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Free Email Service

Addiscombe Residents Associations have grouped together to support is able to offer residents a free Email address. The address is assigned to the house or flat where they live. The idea is that any resident can contact others without the need to know their name or whether they home. You can forward invites, newsletters, pass on information, jokes, social information etc.

The scheme will work like this.

Each residence will be assigned an Email address, on request. The address will reflect the house number and road in which they live. By using this simple way to identify the Email address, anyone can easily work out their neighbours address and Email them.

Hence flat 3 and 42 Canning Road would be 42canning3, where the flat number follows the road name. The name of these free Email addresses will be set by the Residents Associations. Passwords will be assigned automatically.

These free Emails do have any Virus or Spam protection. Should you require these services you will need to contact your Residents Association. See also our Chargeable Services page for pricing details.

See Also:

Last modified: 10th November 2010