Lost Family Members - Can You Help ?
Are you searching for information about long-lost relatives? Maybe Heritage can help.
This week we are running three appeals from people hoping to make contact with family members.
Petra de Ruyteris appealing for information about her relative, Norah Welsh, who was a patient at Cane Hill Hospital in the 1960s, Petra says the family believes alcoholism was the reason for her stay there and, as far as they are aware, she was never released from the hospital. The family is at the very least, trying to establish when she died.
Faye Jones, from Stafford, is tracing her family tree and, after a successful earlier appeal for information about her Croydon ancestors, she is calling on Heritage readers to help once more. Faye has come across the surnames of Hoad and Hunt in her research. Faye's great-great grandfather Thomas Charles Hunt married Lucy Rosamond Hoad in September 1899 in Croydon. Lucy came from Croydon but it is unclear where Thomas is from. They had two sons, Thomas and Edward, and two daughters, Victoria and Queenie.
Nancy Hallett, from Canada, is trying to contact her Croydon born cousin who she has never met. Her uncle Russell Currie, from Fredericton, New Brunswick, was in Croydon during the Second World War and fathered a son after meeting a lady called Doreen. Nancy says the son attempted to make contact with his father four years ago but, due to family problems, Russell did not respond. Nancy says: "Since then Russell has died and the family would like to make contact, meet him, grow to know him and help him to know his father."
If you can assist with any of the above appeals contact Heritage at Croydon Guardian, 10 Pegasus Road, Croydon CRO 4RN, call 020 8774 6590 or email kmcqueeney at http://london.newsquest.co.uk.