Can You Help ? - Search for James Ingram
James Peto-Gubdersen who lives in West London is tracing his family tree. He would like to obtain information about his Great, Great Grandfather, James Ingram, who owned Ingram Brickworks, also known as Thornton Heath Brickworks, during the 1800's. The brickworks were located in Ingram Road.
THe only piece of documentation currently available is a copy of his marriage certificate to Caroline Ingram in 1852.
Victoria Hunt.
Faye Jones would like to trace any information about her Great Grandmother, Victoria Hunt, born in 1904 and died in 1981. Victoria's father, Thomas Hunt, is believed to have been the Duke of Wellingtons groom. Victoria lived in Layton Street, Croydon and then moved to Dappas Hill Terrace in Old Town, Croydon.
Faye is also looking for any photographs of these streets around 1900 to 1930.
If you can help please contact the Croydon Guardian Newspaper.