Highwaymen - Dick Turpin
Picture: A Print from Clive Whichelow's book 'Local Highwaymen' entitled 'The Courtesy of Highwaymen'.
Dick Turpin's career was born during a violet incident in Croydon, when he was involved with a notorious Essex based Gregory's Gang. The gang robbed the house of Mr Sheldon near Croydon Church in 1835. They bound and gagged the coachman. and when the owner came to investigate they forced him to hand over his valuables. The group celebrated by going for a drink at the nearby tavern, The Half Moon.
On their next job they robbed a farmer and beat his maid and daughter. A reward was offered for their capture and two of the gang were caught and hanged on the evidence of the third. By this time Dick Turpin had already set out on his own.
On several occasions during break-ins he would threaten to sit his victims on their own fires if they did not co-operate.